Animal Law Annual Institute

The 2011 Texas Animal Law Institute took place on April 29, 2011, in Austin, Texas, and began with a section report from Jean Jennings, 2011 Chair. A variety of topics were presented at the Institute, including Estate Planning for Pets, Lobbying for Animals, City Ordinances affecting animals, Scientific Research, Wild Horses and the Bureau of Land Management, and other “Hot Topics” in Animal Law. The day concluded with a lively debate on Animal Protection, with perspective given for both the Animal Rights and Animal Welfare views.

New officers were announced; Randy Turner will serve as the 2012 Chair with Fran Ortiz as the Vice-Chair. The secretary position will be held by Katherine Killingsworth, and treasurer by Jill Elsey. Four council positions were up for election and were filled by Don Feare, Joel Hailey, Ann Manes, and Dawn Reveley. The remaining four council positions will continue to be held for one additional year by Amy Bures Dana, Bill Davis, Dena Fisher, and Susan Hightower.

Plans are already underway for the 2012 Institute, which is scheduled to take place on Friday, March 9, at the Texas Wesleyan University Law School in Fort Worth, Texas.  For additional information, please visit

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